WINNERS!! Today is World Tuna Day and we’ve got the winners of our Video Clip Contest

Today we celebrate and commemorate the importance and value of tuna, both to the Pacifical community and consumers worldwide. In these 3 very cool videos the winners have shown convincingly how tuna positively contributes to their Pacifical PNA community.

1. Merry Christie Kere [1st Place – Solomon Islands ]

2. Damida Alez [2nd Place – Solomon Islands]

3. Sam Johnny Pedro [3rd Place – Tuvalu]

Congratulations to the winners and Happy World Tuna Day!

#worldtunaday2021 #saveourtuna #truechange #sustainability #smarteconomies #innovation #choosePacifical #pnatuna #tunasustainability #sustainable #saveourtuna #msctunaforall #pacificaltuna #fullytraceable #straightfromparadise #oceansustainability #fishingindustry #tunaindustry