CAB Remains Firm On Our MSC Certification
We are very happy to announce that Acoura Marine Ltd., the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) conducting the reassessment of our MSC tuna fishery has issued its response to the objection presented by the International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF), which argued against recertification of our PNA MSC free-school skipjack and yellowfin fishery. In its report to the Independent Adjudicator (IA), Acoura stands firm on its position that our MSC fishery should be recertified for another 5 years.
Within its final report on the reassessment a few months ago, the CAB already recommended the PNA fishery for recertification based on the high scores it received. Now, after addressing the objection submitted by the IPNLF, Acoura has responded with a 126-page letter, available on the MSC website, in which the CAB again “make the determination that the [PNA] fishery should be recertified”.
After the IPNLF and the IA have been given the chance to react to the CAB’s official response, Acoura will now consider any responses submitted and issue a revised copy of the final report, if applicable. Should matters remain unresolved, Acoura will seek an oral hearing and adjudication, following MSC procedures.
Acoura’s reaction comes as no surprise to Pacifical and the PNA Office, as most of the points raised in the objection were not directly related to the sustainability of our fishery, but mostly towards MSC policies in general. We remain confident that this process will lead to a positive outcome for the PNA’s ocean eco-system and our people, who depend on it. This will allow Pacifical to continue to make fully sustainable MSC-certified skipjack and yellowfin tuna available to consumers around the world for many years to come!
World’s Largest Retailer Eyeing Up PNA’s MSC-Certified Free-School Tuna
The PNA Office team was honored with a recent visit from the world’s largest retailer. Five representatives from Walmart visited the Marshall Islands to look at fish processing plants, fishing vessels and meet with government officials in Majuro. Since the capital city is home to the busiest tuna transshipment port, they could witness firsthand how our MSC CoC works on seiners anchored in the lagoon.
Motivated by their interest in tuna from the Western and Central Pacific and the social accountability aspects involved in fishing operations, Walmart is leaving the door open to explore business opportunities with PNA and Pacifical in the future.
“Hopefully following this visit we may see MSC Pacifical co-branded canned tuna in Walmart stores in the future.” – said Maurice Brownjohn, PNA Commercial Manager who gave Walmart a deeper insight on how our countries work on sustainability.
BREAKING: Newly Launched Web Pages Give Deeper Insight Into Our Progress
We as Pacifical always strive to keep you informed regarding our latest developments, and it is with great pride that today we can announce the addition of new pages to our website, Pacifical.com. What better way of gathering the most recent and accurate data regarding the world’s largest sustainable tuna fishery than directly from us?
Through our new pages, “How PNA drives real change”, “PNA’s Chain of Custody”, “Did You Know?”, “Pacifical Internships for PNA”, and the previously added “Pacifical Partners”, those interested can see the influence PNA initiatives have on the Western and Central Pacific, and how our hard work is positively impacting the islands and the people of this pristine region.
For instance, did you know that our MSC-eligible free school tonnage is 20% bigger than the entire tuna catch recorded in the Eastern Pacific ocean in 2014? Or that the total tuna catch in our PNA waters is still higher than all catches in the Eastern Pacific and Indian oceans combined? Check out the below graph – it puts numbers in perspective!