On September 6th and 7th of 2011, the Pacific Tuna Forum took place in one of our most beautiful PNA nations: Palau. Around 200 delegates participated to discuss about the global tuna situation and its effect on the tuna industry within the WCPO (Western Central Pacific Ocean). With an annual tuna production of approximately 3.0 million tons, the WCPO is not only an important ocean to the Pacific people, but it is also crucial to the global tuna industry as it supplies close to 60% of tuna that consumers around the world eat daily!
A mind challenging presentation was given by our Pacifical managing director Mr. Henk Brus; it clearly shows how the EU tuna market has been evolving for the last 5 years, the private tuna brand situation vs. private label in Europe, the current trends driving EU consumers, the importance of sustainability in Europe and how powerful industry players in Spain are opposing the initiatives within the PNA.