Today we – as Pacifical team – invite you to celebrate WORLD OCEANS DAY together with us:
Today we celebrate the beauty, the wealth and the promise of the ocean.
The ocean feeds us, regulates our climate and contains such fragile ecosystems, many of which are undiscovered.
Tuna is one of the world’s main ocean species and our Pacifical people within our PNA island nations depend every single day on the ocean around them and the tuna within it.
Our people live on thousands of small islands and atolls, making up our 8 PNA nations and 1 territory – Large Ocean States – who combined are managing and taking care together of an earth surface 40% bigger than Europe.
Working on Ocean sustainability is for our people not a matter of choice, but it is a matter of pure survival. Every man, woman and child are on the receiving end daily when it comes to the consequences of Global warming, plastic pollution and the dangers of depletion and over exploitation of ocean resources and ecosystems. Our island people can’t sail away to greener fields.
This year’s theme: Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean, is relating to the introduction of new concepts, methods, ideas,or products. This theme fills us with hope. As Pacifical and PNA nations we aredaily working on impactful innovations that we can apply and turn into long-lasting solutions for our Pacific ocean and our people‘s future.
Small Island Nations – Large Ocean States – Smart Ocean States
Our Pacifical shareholders, the people of the PNA, strongly focus and often lead globally on introducing new innovations in technology, resource management, and tuna consumer market development. The PNA nations make the hard decisions not seen in the high seas areas, because they can and do care, it is not driven by cash economics of the west, but rather cultural, led by tradition and our oneness with the environment.
2021 to 2030 will become the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development – UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development – and we hope you will along with us greatly support that!