May 2nd has finally come, the day in which communities, firms and NGOs all across the globe commemorate the existence of tuna and emphasize the importance of sustainable management to have it available for generations to come. World Tuna Day was first celebrated as a small event in 2011, in Alotau, Papua New Guinea; we are certainly happy to see that 5 years later, it has rightly become a global event.
What are you doing to celebrate tuna today?…Let us tell you what our team is up to:
Today Pacifical, PNA and the Pacific Small Islands Developing States (PSIDS) are gathering together for the first time at the United Nations in New York City to celebrate World Tuna Day on a global scale, with a special dinner event featuring tuna.
PNA Commercial Director, Mr. Maurice Brownjohn will be highlighting the decision of the 8 PNA large ocean states on their commitment to join forces and work together as resource owners to guarantee the sustainability of tuna within the Western Central Pacific, and the existence of this marvelous fish for generations to come.
As Pacifical Board Member and Director, Mr. Brownjohn will address the success of Pacifical as the global marketing company jointly set up by 8 PNA countries to promote the region among end markets, and actively trade its MSC certified sustainably caught free-school skipjack and yellowfin tuna.
Each PNA MSC product sold in the end market carries the Pacifical co-brand to represent the commitment of every retailer / brand owner / food processor / food service company, directly with the PNA island people. By choosing Pacifical Tuna, partners and final consumers around the world are supporting the sustainability of this vast ecosystem, and the people who depend on it.
Maurice Brownjohn said: “We are very pleased to see more and more organisations from industry, government, civil society and the UN celebrate World Tuna Day each year. This special event at the United Nations is in recognition of the nexus between sustainable development and the conservation and sustainable use of the tuna and other marine resources in the Pacific region and the world.”
His Excellency Mr. Collin Beck, Permanent Representative and Ambassador of the Solomon Islands to the United Nations will also address the delegates highlighting the importance of tuna to our Pacific Cultures, to our people, our livelihoods and to our sustainable development aspirations, but also to global food security, linking this to the historic international agreements related to sustainable development, including the creation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 to “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.”
The event will end with Special Pacific Island dances and Island cuisine featuring tuna as the main dish prepared by Pacific Island Chef Arinteiti.
Meanwhile in the region, festivities will commence throughout the PNA over the course of the next two weeks, which will include its annual arts competition, featuring a cash prize for the very best piece of art, dance, writing or drama in celebration of tuna and tuna fishing. The winner will also see their work showcased on the PNA’s official website for future promotion of World Tuna Day. This has already been announced.
Be sure to join us on Twitter for the occasion and let us know what you are doing on World Tuna Day: #worldtunaday