Happy World Tuna Day!
Today is a day of joy in the Pacific, a day to celebrate and honor the existence of tuna in our daily lives, our ecosystem and economy. The citizens of the PNA island nations: Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands or Tuvalu and Tokelau have been given the opportunity to share their talent by making a video that illustrates their story behind the wonders of tuna and the impact it has in their own community.
After careful consideration, the judges came to the following outcome:
(1st) First Prize – $1500 USD: Damida Aleziru
Damida Aleziru starts the video with a testimony explaining how Micronesian people who migrated from Kiribati to the Solomon Islands, have continued to make a living out of tuna fishing. He interviews fishermen and fish vendors in Gizo and a school teacher, who explain about the vital role of tuna in their lives and within the community. Beautiful work, way to go Damida!
(2nd) Second Prize – $750 USD: Florence Rifasia
Florence did an amazing job sharing her experience as a fisheries student with a micro canning project which has brought food security to the region. Excellent Florence.
(3rd) Third Prize – $500 USD: Jason Fata
Jason explains how important tuna is for the community and how the tuna catch pays for school fees, food and supports families. “we depend on tuna for daily survival”. Wonderful, Jason.
Pacifical staff will be contacting the winners later today.
Congratulations to everyone who participated, it was a challenging choice and we are truly amazed of how much talent there is in the Pacific region.
Special thanks to the judges:

Ms. Toky Rasoloarimanana
Communications Officer
SPC – The Pacific Community
With over two decades of experience in communication for sustainable development, including nine years of experience in the fisheries sector, Toky Rasoloarimanana is currently serving as the Communications Officer for the Pacific Community Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Marine Ecosystems Division. She is well-versed in video storytelling and has worked on various projects in different regions of the world, including Africa and the Pacific. One of her most successful projects, “Teen Tuna Tok,” engaged youth from the Pacific region and has been ongoing for the past three years.

Mr. Sam Johnny Pedro (Mr)
Previous World Tuna Day Video Winner
Sam is a civil servant for the Government of Tuvalu holding a position within the OMBUDSMAN OFFICE. Sam is passionate about videos, and he is the founder and owner of Imagine Artworks. Sam was one of the winners of the previous Pacifical World Tuna Day contest, he is happily married with four kids.

Mr. Henk Brus
CEO of Pacifical
Henk is passionate about tuna, the Pacific region, sustainability and traceability. In 2010 Henk was honored to be invited by the 8 PNA island nations in the Pacific Ocean, to become their joint venture partner in the tuna marketing company Pacifical cv. Since then, Pacifical has become the marketing and supply chain verification company representing the PNA MSC tuna fishery, small Pacific Island countries and their communities.