OCEANIA: MSC Canned Tuna Snapshot 2021
Oceania is not only the world’s largest supplier of MSC certified tuna, but with Australia and New Zealand, the region is also one of the major MSC tuna buyers in the planet, yet it is a market that is experiencing stagnation.
There has not been a lot of MSC tuna developments in Oceania since 2016. To this day, only one major brand has consistently used the MSC ecolabel. A bit sad to see many “responsibly sourced” claims without independent verification. Some of those brands even offer yellowfin from the Indian Ocean, where the stock is overfished.
Sourcing from sustainable fisheries supports island nations highly dependent on the health of their tuna resources. Making the right sustainable choices makes a huge difference. We are hopeful to see major players in Oceania making the right choices in 2021.
Click here to access the March 2021 Oceania MSC Canned Tuna Snapshot.