Pacifical MSC Certified Tuna Provides 100% Verifiable Sustainable Catch
In response to the recent claims inferring that NFA fishery observers provide validations of tuna catches being “Free School” or “FAD Free”, the Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority (NFA), within the PNA, has issued a press statement to clarify this matter.
The statement publicly warns that all “FAD-free” or “Free School” claims on tuna cans available in the market with no MSC certificate come from unverified self-certified sources, without a reliable chain of custody, and the involvement of NFA observers with such declarations is strictly illegal.
We take this opportunity to invite market players currently sourcing from self-certified “Free School” or “FAD Free” tuna to switch to Pacifical MSC certified tuna from the PNA waters.
Our strict chain of custody guarantees the supply of sustainably caught MSC certified free school skipjack with no fraud throughout the supply chain, and ensures those fishermen willing to invest resources and fishing efforts into catching 100% verifiable MSC sustainable tuna are recognized and rewarded for their sustainable practices.