For too long the waters of the PNA have been fished for tuna by large fishing nations such as Japan, Taiwan, USA, Korea and more recently by Spain without our countries receiving proper financial compensation or participation.
If you consider that an average tuna purse seiner catches about 30,000 kg of tuna a day , worth maybe Usd 55,000, to the boat and more than double when processed, it only seems fair that they pay the people who own these resources a decent compensation or involve them in the industry.
Until recently fishing companies were only willing to pay Usd 1 – 2000 for one day of tuna fishing and PNA saw nothing else, with limiting the days fished to conserve all stocks for the future, the true value of tuna is being revealed and the PNA ministers thought it was time to raise the minimum price to Usd 5000 per fishing day from January 1st 2012. Of course PNA member countries are free to charge more, a few regionally based fleets even offer more currently, but not yet the bigger global players. Pacifical will continue the fight to sustain our fisheries, participate in it and bring you certified sustainable tuna.