PNA Members have extended the temporary suspension of requirements for 100% observer coverage in the MSC Certified purse seine fishery in PNA waters in response to COVID-19 conditions until the 31st of October 2020.
Click here to see the full PNA announcement.
The PNA nations have the observers’ best interest at heart. Protecting the health and safety of their local communities and observers is top priority. There are currently a few observers who have not been able to be repatriated due to PNA is currently working difficulties arising from port closures and air travel restrictions. Vessel operators are required to work closely with the observer to ensure the observers’ welfare and arrange repatriation as soon as this may be possible
PNA Members continue to review the need for responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes the development of protocols, standards and procedures to enable observers and others to operate safely, and possible alternative measures to address the loss of opportunity for SIDS observers.