Kick Off To Fifth World Tuna Day

Just a handful of days away, the 5th international World Tuna Day is upon us, as communities, firms and NGOs scattered across the globe work tirelessly to get preparations ready for this momentous day.

ISSF has announced its participation with the launch of its social media campaign, which will include a statement of support for celebrations by President of the foundation, Susan Jackson. Here at Atuna, we’ll also be taking part in marking the occasion with a tuna inspired lunch at our office, which will include three courses featuring tuna at the very heart of each.

The occasion is set to be marked on a so far unseen global scale, with a special two day occasion where PNA ambassadors to the UN’s HQ in New York will come together. Events will focus on the significance of tuna fisheries to the global food supply as well as its economic importance to island communities across the Pacific region.

Festivities will commence throughout the PNA over the course of the next two weeks, which will include its annual arts competition, featuring a cash prize of USD 3,000 for the very best piece of art, dance, writing or drama in celebration of tuna and tuna fishing. The winner will also see their work showcased on the PNA’s official website for future promotion of World Tuna Day.

Be sure to join us on Twitter for the occasion, where we’ll be promoting the event with #worldtunaday on our official @AtunaNews page along with various other firms, NGOs and consumers worldwide.